I find it hard to believe we are so close to the end of this year! As we all know, this year has been unlike any other! This year has allowed me to slow down in unexpected ways. Naturally, my schedule and rhythm of life has changed over these past several months and I have been reminded as I am not doing as much, that I am a human being not a human doing. Of course, we all know this but it is a good reminder from time to time.
Sometimes we don’t act as if this is so. In a world that often moves so fast, we can get caught in the illusion that more is somehow better. Even if it's more of what we do want. We can think our value as a person is based on many things we got crossed of our to do list, or how “productive” we are. And, though some of these things are useful, they do not define who we are.
I don’t know about you but I know if I’m not conscientious about it, I can get into a “rush” mode even when I don’t really need to be rushing.
Through our day, may we take moments to remember our beingness rather than our doingness. Whether we find this on our yoga mats, sitting in our favorite chair with a cup of tea, hiking in nature, or whatever it may be; it’s good to just be here and now in the moment.
To good health, well-being and peace of mind.
With gratitude,